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Fish Ramp and Baffles!

We had the pleasure of assisting ATS Environmental with a fish passage installation of a culvert in GreyLynn. The fish ramp and baffles inside the culvert enable poor climbing fish (like inanga) to swim up the ramp and through the culvert to enable upstream fish migrations....

November 23, 2024

Spat ropes not always the best remedy


October 18, 2024

The Fast Track Process

The fast track process has always existed but never before has it had such a plethora (149) of proposed projects to contend with. Our concern is how have the expert panels been selected and have any of the personnel been involved in the same previous application. There does not seem to be any clear ruling on this which is concerning....

October 10, 2024

The same stream in 2024


July 4, 2024

Urban Stream 2023


July 4, 2024

Not Good Enough

I recently visited the Kiwitea Stream in the Manawatu. I noticed some extreme river works had been done to the entire stream channel that has resulted in a mass sediment load to the reach. This can result in degraded spawning habitat, reduced interstitial dissolved oxygen and reduced habitat quality for the entire stream fauna. I lodged this with Horizons Regional Council Pollution hotline on December 30th. Today is January 18th and I'm still waiting for a response. I wouldn't call it a hotline!...

July 4, 2024

Our new EIA resident!!


January 12, 2024

Community Planting Morning, Beachaven

A big thanks to Pest Free Kaipatiki for hosting this vegetation planting morning in a stream gully at Beachaven. We even get people come to these events from GreyLynn! And thanks to our Kaipatiki Local Board for supporting these initiatives. Getting like minded people together is a great thing....

September 7, 2023

How to prepare your macroinvertebrate sample for dispatch


June 21, 2023

Urban Stormwater Monitoring in the Wairarapa - First Flush Sampling

We have begun a stormwater sampling regime for Carterton District Council's urban stream environments. The photo shows a cool low tech way to capture the first flush event. As the stream rises , more stormwater is entering the system  and the bottle attached to the waratah simply samples the surface water which is then despatched to a lab for metals analyses....

June 11, 2023

Kahika Creek - A Sad Case Story


May 8, 2023

Another pest fish out of the water.

I extracted this fish using a technique called fly fishing!!...

April 26, 2023

Wetland Gully in Hamilton


April 6, 2023

Awataha Greenway Opening , April 1st 2023

The Awataha Greenway opening occurred on Saturday April 1st. Despite average weather conditions there was a good turn out of people (likely to be in the thousands). It provided the opportunity for the Northcote community to celebrate the daylighting of over 1 km of stream with riparian planting and exploring the network of public open spaces that follow the Awataha Stream channel. A greenway is a green ‘corridor’ designed to make it easy and pleasant for people to move around part of a ...

April 4, 2023

Kahika Creek - Sewage Fungus and Detergent Foam - not a good look


March 27, 2023

Our latest newsletter


February 3, 2023

Contrasting Colours of a Wetland in Coromandel


January 18, 2023

Giant Kokopu in Tuakau!


December 7, 2021

Here's good size longfin eel I captured recently!


September 30, 2021

Grazing heavy stock on steep terrain - it's nuts. This photo was taken from Battle Hill


August 6, 2021

Community Science In Action


June 29, 2021

Chelsea Reservoirs


June 21, 2021

Awataha Stream Restoration


May 27, 2021

Low Ecosystem Value?

I get quite annoyed when statements about 'low ecosystem value' get made without any reference to scale or ecosystem type. What might be classified as 'low ecosystem value' at a small scale e.g. at a development site, could be high ecosystem value at a larger scale. The point being we are living on a planet of dwindling resources where natural ecosystems are being destroyed for the sake of development, so surely any ecosystem is high value on a global scale because ECOSYSTEMS SUPPORT LIFE. If we...

April 14, 2021

Fish Monitoring and Identification Course

We recently held a fish monitoring and identification course. Thirteen people attended from consultancies and Auckland Council. On day one we went through the tables of the NZ Freshwater Fish Sampling Protocols (2013). This enabled us to compare and discuss efficiency of sampling methods. In the afternoon we went out and electric fished the Oruamo Stream. This revealed Kōura, shortfin eels and redfin bullies. We set fine mesh fykes and g minnow traps. The following day we checked these traps w...

March 29, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 31 | Page next